Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy meatless Monday!

Happy meatless Monday everyone! (Or in my case, meatless everyday,haha). In honor of meatless Monday I've decided to post an amazing and super simple green smoothie recipe for you all. I'm drinking it as I write this for you and it is simply delicious (that's saying a lot considering I'm horrible at combining the correct flavors for a green smoothie. I've had some horrible ones in the past) so without further ado, here's the recipe 

Coco-cinnamon-banana green smoothie (raw):
5 ripe bananas 
1-2tbsp coconut sugar 
3 cups ice 
1 cup water/coconut water
1 tsp cinnamon 
1 scoop of wheatgrass powder or one handful of spinach 
1 tsp organic coconut extract (optional)

Blend in a highspeed blender and enjoy!!

Now this recipe is big and I don't have the exact calorie amout but it's around 600. Don't be afraid to eat large amounts of fruit.  I eat 2000+ calories a day from fruit. Check out freelee the banana girl and riceandraw on YouTube for more on this topic. 

Until next time, enjoy your meatless Monday and feel free to try out the smoothie and tell me if you enjoyed!

Much love, 
Me enjoying this beautiful green smoothie by the pool. 

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