Friday, May 30, 2014


Yes, I know. Most people reserve their Friday instagram posts for #flexfriday or something like that, but I'm here to bring the hashtag #FullyRawFriday to all of you! Instead of posting pictures of just you flexing whatever muscles you have, maybe make Fridays a day to eat Fully Raw, or eat fully raw and flex. Or maybe post a picture of you flexing with your fruit, that works too :). I aim to eat fully raw every Friday and sometimes Tuesdays as well. Although I don't always make it, I believe its best to eat nothing but whole fresh fruits and veggies at least one day of the week. On days that I eat raw I feel peaceful and always finish 
out the day glowing with a big smile on my face. A fully raw day for me would typically consist of...

Upon waking: 32oz of water

Breakfast: a big smoothie or a (huge) bowl of fresh fruit\

Snack: Usually citrus or bananas if I have ripe ones on hand. (never eat these two together though!!)

Lunch: a platter of fresh fruit (typically apples because they're easy to take to school

Dinner: a big fruit platter with whatever fruit I have at home, followed by a HUGE (yes, its that big) salad full of greens and other fresh veggies.

And I make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated.

I also do my best to stay active on days that I eat fully raw. Friday is usually a rest day for me, but I always try to get outside and keep moving. Plus, its a beautiful May day where I live so it would be a shame not to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Please feel free to tag me ( in your #fullyrawfriday posts so I can see what delicious fruits and veggies you're eating on this lovely Friday.

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