Monday, October 27, 2014


Quick post but I am back! You all will be hearing a LOT more from me in November as I take on the Saved By Sugar 'challenge' with Tina Grundin (@tinagrundin) and Jil (+Jilicious Journey). Needless to say, I am so excited!

Other updates, because this is a lifestyle blog.

  • Breakup with my best friend who I love very much but the feeling was no longer mutual. Still struggling to stay positive on that one.
  • My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, however it was caught very early and she is recovering wonderfully.
  • Cross Country started and is ending on Thursday with sectionals!! I am thrilled to be a part of my schools sectionals team and truly grateful for the friends I've made.
So I know I'm not super interesting but I'm so excited to be back.

Love you all,